What to Look For When Choosing a New Copier for a Small Office

A copier for a small office may not need to be as high-volume and productive as one that's used for a crowded office, but this doesn't mean that a desktop photocopier is a good choice either. A slow copier that isn't meant to handle the work you need can hinder your entire office and may also break down more often than it should simply because it's being overworked. When you are ready to look at photocopier sales to get a machine for a small office, note some features to look for so you're sure to get the right one for your needs without overpaying for something you don't need.

Copy speed and volume

The copy speed and volume of a copier are both related; the higher the speed at which it makes copies, the more volume it can manage in a month. For a small office, you might not think you need a machine that can manage a higher speed, but note that a basic photocopier might wear out quickly when you use it too often or too much at once. 

To figure the speed and volume you need, consider how many copies are usually made by your staff on your busiest day. If your office produces marketing materials, presentations and other such items on occasion, use that volume rather than an average day's copying needs. You'll want to invest in a machine that functions at a higher speed and volume to accommodate this work so the machine doesn't slow down, suffer more wear and tear, or even overheat when you need more copies. This can also mean ensuring the copies are clear and high-quality even when the machine is being worked at its maximum capacity.

Multi-function device

You may already have printers and scanners that you use in your office and not think that your copier should have a built-in scanning or network capability to be used as a printer. However, consider that your other printers and scanners may eventually break down. Rather than having to replace them, you'll already have this feature built into your machine if your opt for a multi-function device. 

This can also mean having a printer available as a backup if one should run out of toner unexpectedly or if you have a rush or large job that cannot be accommodated by the printers in the office. Even in your smaller office, opt for a multi-function device for greater flexibility.
