An introduction to solar hot water systems for the home

Solar panels, while not exactly a common feature on houses, are becoming more and more commonplace. There are two major incentives for using solar power: you can use it to power your home and save on electricity bills; and it's a renewable energy source, which can help the environment. But solar power is not only limited to powering electricity in the home – it can also be used to directly heat your water supply. [Read More]

Good Air Equals A Healthy Body: Four Reasons Your Home Needs An Air Conditioner

The main reason you are considering installing air conditioning in your house right now is the opportunity to keep cool during the summer and warm during the winter with the push of just one button. You no doubt have already been given a long list of air conditioning benefits by your friends and family members, but you're still sitting on the fence trying to decide if you really need. it. Well, here is one more point to consider. [Read More]

How to prevent heat stroke in a hot, Australian summer

Anybody who has experienced the full intensity of an Australian summer will attest to just how important it is to look after yourself in the extreme Australian heat. It is all too easy to become dehydrated and fatigued in the full blaze of the sun's rays. And the bad news is that Australian summers are only going to become hotter. As the planet warms up, it is more important than ever to take care of your body to prevent conditions such as heat stroke creeping up on you. [Read More]

Five Exciting Updates In The Oregon Timber Industry

If you are thinking about using Oregon timber in your next building project, you may want to hear about updates in the timber industry. From a number of perspectives including functionality, treatment and harvesting, the timber industry is constantly improving. Here is a look at a few of the most exciting things that are happening in the timber industry:   1. Cross-Laminated Timber Panels Instead of the classic Oregon timber beams and floorboards that builders have used for years, many people are looking into something new – cross-laminated timber. [Read More]